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Sites around the Gaza Envelope

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Let me take you to the site of the NOVA Festival where today you can see for yourself where many people lost their lives or were taken hostage. The festival turned from a place of music and celebration to one of death, pursuit and horror in the stroke of a second.  There are some very personal stories told which are not to be missed. 
At Tekuma, not far away trom the festival site, is where the army has collected all of the burnt out vehicles from the fighting in the area. It is really something to see. Each car, ambulance, motorcycle and truck has their own story and the story of the people driving them.  You'll even see some of the machine gun mounted pickup trucks used by the terrorists. 

In the town of Sderot, the terrorists took over the police station which was ultimately destroyed by the Israel Defense Forces.  Today there is a beautiful memorial on the spot. Next door you can see a movie about what exactly happened in Sderot on that fateful day.  Sderot also has an amazing observation point where you can look directly into Gaza.

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